Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In Between Seasons

I was told that it I needed to update my blog. Well, when you are finished with your fishing season and hunting season hasn't started yet, it is really hard to find something to write about.

With out last tournament for the year being behind us, I am looking to forward to football season. But that is really boring to talk about because we get to watch so many different teams. It is easier to talk about my granddaughter.

So until something in the outdoor world gets me all excited and eager to write, be sure to read "Lolo's Blog" (see Links) and enjoy all the musings about my family.



Trina said...

But Lolo.....you have not updated that blog either! So...quit playing with these blogs and write!

Madge G. Sinclair said...

Brandi, my dear, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. You know this blogging thing is a world of fun. I am so glad you enjoy my blog! Granny Grunt sounds just like my dear friend Agnes. (Though Agnes talks non-stop, and while it's annoying, I believe she does it so she knows she's still alive.)

Keep in touch, kiddo and spread the word about my blog, I love fans. (Hey I'm old, I love attention!)

