Monday, September 28, 2009

$13,555 Total Winnings!!!!

No, that's not what Frank and I did! But that was the total payout for the Texas Bass Couples Championship that we have been attending this week. This is an amazing total for our club for several reasons. This is the forth year for this circuit. Tommy and Pam have really worked hard to get this club up and running. There are tournament trails that have been around for years that that are still not having that large of a payout.

Also, this is a small circuit. We only had 37 couples fish for the championship! That's right!!! 37 couples! Seven places were paid out so you do the math! That is an awesome amount for total payout!

Congratulations to Tim Reneau and Judy Churchill who won it all with 42.60 two day total!

We have lots of stories to tell and more winners to tell you about but right now we are all sitting in the little country store sharing more stories and eating some breakfast. And I am using Tommy's laptop and I am really slow on it. Frank bothering me to hurry up is not helping. Hopefully I will get the rest to you tonight. Until then,

God Bless you all.

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